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Microgreens (10x20 Trays) - Wholesale

Microgreens (10x20 Trays) - Wholesale

Regular price $35.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $35.00 USD
Sale Coming Soon!
Tax included.

NOTE: All 10x20 Microgreen Trays are grown-to-order. Grow time is typically 2-4 weeks from the time of purchase. 

Microgreens are popular for a reason—these are extremely delicious and full of energy. Each one has its own flavor profile, so try a few and see which one is your favorite!

Sunflower: Nutty and Sweet

Field Peas: Sweet and Fresh (tastes like a sugar snap pea)

Broccoli: Zesty and Earthy 

Arugula: Zesty and Earthy 

Alfalfa: Mild and Earthy 

Leek: Peppery and Bright

Spicy Mix: Spicy Mustard Greens

Radish: Zesty and Earthy

Photo Credit: Johnny's Selected Seeds

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